I am Iason Somarakis, I work as a senior security engineer, focusing on research, development and application of security solutions. With hands-on experience in penetration testing methodologies, tools and techniques; virtualization and containerization frameworks; and machine learning algorithms for enhanced proactive and reactive security mechanisms. Furthermore, I have a diverse toolkit of programming languages, developing and infrastructure as a code frameworks. My research interests focus on two types of security assessments, cyber range training and penetration testing; specifically, asset and threat emulation technologies for cyber range training and offensive technologies for penetration testing. Last but not least, I enjoy capture the flag activities, privacy related topics, cryptocurrencies, and reading novels.
Space and systems engineering and cybersecurity solutions.
January 2023 - Present, Hybrid
Cybersecurity and Technology Solutions and Services
SPHYNX offers products and solutions, and consulting services, in the areas of cyber intelligence, analytics, incident response, assurance, and certification.
SPHYNX offers products and solutions, and consulting services, in the areas of cyber intelligence, analytics, incident response, assurance, and certification.
SPHYNX offers products and solutions, and consulting services, in the areas of cyber intelligence, analytics, incident response, assurance, and certification.
Sales of new and refubrished IT hardware
Sales of new and refubrished IT hardware
June 2013 - June 2015, Greece
Construction Services
Ph.D student in Asset and Threat Emulation for Cybersecurity Training at School of Mathematics, Computer Sciences & Engineering |
B.Sc. in Computer Software Engineering |
HOLOgrams for personalised virtual coaching and motivation in an ageing population with BALANCE disorders. Primarily worked on an educational android game and on the security assurance (i.e., Penetration Testing) of HOLOBALANCE platform, involving the assessment of backend infrastructure, web front facing applications, REST APIs, android applications, python applications and bluetooth devices.
Resilient Transport Infrastructure to Extreme Event. Primarily worked on the integration of SPHYNX’s solution in RESIST platform and the security assurance (i.e., Penetration Testing, project wide security recommendations) of the RESIST platform, involving the assessment of backend infrastructure (e.g., ProxMox virtual machines), front-facing web applications, REST APIs, and drones.
Smart End-to-end Massive IoT Interoperability, Connectivity and Security. Primarily worked on SPHYNX’s contribution for multiple deliverables required by the project.
THREAT-ARREST aims to develop an advanced training platform incorporating emulation, simulation, serious gaming and visualization capabilities to adequately prepare stakeholders with different types of responsibility and levels of expertise in defending high-risk cyber systems and organizations to counter advanced, known and new cyber-attacks. Primarily worked on the security assurance (i.e., Penetration testing) of THREAT ARREST’s Pilot organizations, involving the assessment of backend infrastructure (i.e., containers and physical machines) and web applications. Also, worked on the development of the models for the cyber range training scenarios and programmes, and on the development of the scenario/programme adaptation mechanisms.
Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home. Primarily worked on the security assurance of (i.e., Penetration testing) of SMART BEAR platform, involving the assessment of front-facing web applications and REST APIs.
Publication for our novel approach in specificing cyber range training scenarios and the interworkings wih SPHYNX’s security assurance model. Focused on the developement of the models and the mechanisms that managed them.
Publication with advances in our model-driven approach of specifying cyber range training scenarios and adaptation mechanisms that allow the scenarios to adapt based on the organizations security & privacy posture. Focused on the development of the adaptation mechanisms based on vulnerabilities.
A Deep Learning based anomaly network instrusion solution that was developed to supplement signature-based IDS such as snort. Developed in Python with well known frameworks, such as Keras, Numpy, SciLearn and trained using well-known dataset NSL-KDD99.
Course that prepares inspiring security proffesionals for offensive security operations.
Themed event with 25 challenges offering hands-on experiece on various cyber security concepts.
Summer school with theme ‘Challenges of Emerging Technologies’, focusing on AI, 5G, IoT, Machine Learning etc.
Summer school with theme ‘The Challenge of the Changing Risk Landscape’ with hands-on workshop on incident handling.
Course that teaches the basic to advanced topics of ethnical hacking, from methodology to common tools and techniques.
Course that teaches the fundamentals of Python, focusing on libaries for data and packet-level manipulation.
Course that teaches from fundamentals to advanced concepts of ethnical hacking with ephasis on real world applications.
Course by DeepLearning.AI that teaches the inner workings of Neural Networks and introduces the core building blocks on developing one in Python.
This course focuses on the basics of android developing, with hands-on experience towards building your first applications.